Features & Specs:
- Material Capacities:
- 12″ Wide x 42″ Long
- 12″ Wide x 84″ Long
- 12″ Wide x 126″ Long
- Adjustable Opening: 0″ – 40″ of Stackable Depth
- Pod Press is powered by a total of (18) 30 Square Inch Diaphragm Cylinders
- Maximum Pressure: 10 Tons Per 3-1/2′ Section @ 110 psi
- Versatile Easy to use Operation for a Variety of Material Sizes
- Face Glue Short 40” Block or Press Long Entry Door Stiles up to 10’
- Dial Regulators for Fine and Consistent Control of Clamping Pressure
- Longer Machines have Multiple Dials for even more Control
- Pyramid Different Size Glue Ups
- Modular Design
Machine Footprint (10′ Long Model): 128”L x 36”W x 76”H